
Friday, April 23, 2010

Climate change and its impact on the human life

This is 21st century and during this century the most important topic is the cClimate change and its impact on the human lifehange in the pattern of climate and the impact of the change in the human as well as plant and animal’s life. The main reason for the climatic change is increasing temperature, global warming, pollution, increasing population etc. As everyone knows clearly that the human civilization has developed from the caveman age to coin age and the process of development kept on increasing by reaching this modern 21st and will reach the age of robotics and so on. No matter which ever age do the human civilization reach it will keep on inventing new and improved technology for the effective and efficient utilization of human as well as non-human resources. Like everything has its own type of positive or negative impact on the human civilization. The positive impact will be the technological advancement for betterment of human life. And the negative impact is the environmental pollution and dettoriation of natural resources whether it may be raw materials, non renewable resources or renewable resources.
As mentioned above about human civilization we conclude that as human civiliClimate change and its impact on the human lifezation has developed from caveman age till the modern age new and new improved technology have been constructed , but on the contrary it has also resulted in the depletion of natural resources like petroleum products, forests, water resources, minerals, soil, air etc. Not only this but also the depletion of atmosphere is also done which resulted the depletion of ozone layer(which prevented us from different types of cancers caused due to the exposure of human and animal’s to the UV rays of the sun).
As we know that the human being is over-utilization of petroleum product and excess use of too much CFC producing equipments has resulted in the increase in the level of co2. This increase in the level of carbon dioxide and other type of pollution produced by the industrial sectors has increased the tendency of melting down of all the snow of mountain caps, glacial lakes not only this but also the melting down of Big icecap of Climate change and its impact on the human lifethe both poles (north and south) have resulted in the increase in the level of ocean water.
As we know that everything has been in balance by the balanced proportion of one element with another. It is the rule of nature. It is also applicable in the case of ocean water which contains 50% of pure water and 50% of salinity in it. Due to the balanced proportion of water and salt level in ocean water all the condition of the natural balance was in equal proportion. But due to the mixing of the melted ice water in the ocean have resulted in the increase in level of water in the ocean and the balance between salt and water in ocean water have been disturbed. Due to this the pressure belt also shifted from one position to another resulting the untimely rainfall, bad weather condition or the change in the climatic condition everywhere in the world.
Due to the mixing of icy water in the ocean water not only the change in the climatic condition is seen but also the ocean water has also increased resulted in the disappearance of small island countries. Not only this but also the problem of tsunami and Katrina has been occasionally been seen now a days.


a991 said...

good post

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