
Friday, April 9, 2010


Gender was first originated from the English word gendre. Gender refers to roles and behaviors that any society considers appropriate for women as well as men. Each and every one in this society has their own kind of roles and responsibility towards the society. Thus, distinct behavior and roles might arise the question of gender inequality, i.e. Difference between women and men will systematically favor one group. Thus originated inequality may lead to inequality between women and men in different sectors like health status and access to health care.
The WHO referred gender as "the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women". Gender refers to any set character that any individual shows which may be biological, emotional, one’s role and responsibility towards its family, society, nation etc. As a word it is single, but if understood properly it has numerous meanings. In our daily life Gender has various definitions’ but here it refers to an individual’s sex or a kind of sense of being male or female irrespective of one another. There are mainly two type of gender
Male (masculine)
Female (Feminine)
The above given definition was based on the traditional concept of defining the gender. But now in the 21st century a new type of gender is prevailing rapidly in the society. Now the types of gender are
1. Male(Masculine)
2. Female(Feminine)
3. Inter-gender
a) Male (Gay)
b) Female (Lesbian)
Genders identity refers to an option available to any member of society to select from any set of social identity which is based on the combination of anyone's sex identity on one hand, and natural gender, interest and social experience on the other hand. Some ancient tribe has more than 5 human genders. Mostly in non-Western society has three human gender - Women, man and third gender. In West, gender is considered to be invalid concept (considered to be the same as one's sex organ), for which only two valid option are available —male or female. Any gender varying from own sex identity is treated as a disease or abnormal individual.


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